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3d drawing is a whole load of bull

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Q: What year were 3D films invented?
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When were 3D movies invented?

in the year 1955

What are the best 3D animation films available?

There are a good amount of 3D animation films available. The best 3D animation films are "EPIC", "Monsters Vs. Aliens", and the amazing movie "Avatar".

Can you do orange Wednesdays on avatar 3D?

no it does not include 3d films:(

Can 3D TVs watch cartoons?

The only animation you can watch in 3D are the feature films that were created in 3D and released on 3D bluray.

Why does my brother dislike 3d films?

Ask your brother.

Spectacles used for viewing 3D films have?


In what year did he invent computer?

They were invented in the 1940s or somat not internet more like typing and films.

What year was the 3D ultrasound invented?

The 3D ultrasound was first invented in the early 1980s. It allowed for the generation of three-dimensional images of the fetus in the womb, providing more detailed views compared to traditional 2D ultrasounds.

Can you see 3D films with the new 3D glasses that look like sunglasses if you only have one eye?

no you need both eyes for 3d objects.

Who invented the 3D S?


When was 3d inventd?

3d was invented back in 2005.hope it helps! :) tea-he

Which company invented the first 3d tv in the world?

The First company invented the first 3D TV in the world was Samsung company.