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A bee stinger is barbed and once inserted into its target, the bee can not retract it so as the bee leaves the victim it leaves the stinger and a bit of its insides behind (the bee will eventually die as a result). The stinger continues to inject venom after the bee departs and should be removed without squeezing it.

A wasp stinger is not barbed and the wasp can therefore insert the stinger into the target several times and at different sites. The wasp survives the process.

Both insect inject a toxic fluid containing a complex protein.

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12y ago

Wasps stings are an Alkaline. pH 8-14

Bee stings are Acid. pH 6-1

A wasp sting can be cured by an acid (vinegar) because the acid neutralizes (balances) the alkali. pH 7

A bee sting can be cured by an alkali (bicarbonate soda) because it neutralizes (balances) the acid. pH7

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13y ago

In the UK at least, wasp stings are alkaline, so you can help treat the sting with a weak acid such as vinegar. But don't use strong acid!!

Bees generally have an acidic sting venom.

Read more: What_pH_is_wasp_sting

A bee's stinger is barbed - when they sting you, the stinger lodges in your skin. After they sting you, they die as internal organs get torn when they leave the stinger in the stingee.

A wasp's stinger is not barbed - which allows a wasp to sting multiple times without dying.

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15y ago

They are completely different venoms; wasp-stings contain mainly acids while beestings use other poisons.

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The self-defensive sinking of a stinger, with the resulting death of the bee, not the wasp, into skin defines a bee or a wasp sting.

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A wasp's sting. The wasp sting is worse because their stinger is smooth making them able to pull it out smoothly and shove it in again. A bee's stinger is barbed like a fishing hook so they can't pull it out.

Where does the bee have a sting?

The stinger is on the back end of the bee, wasp, or hornet.