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The highest class is Class 4.

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Q: Whats the highest class of lasers?
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How many different classes of lasers are there?

There are four main classes of lasers: Class 1 (safe for normal use), Class 2 (low-power visible lasers), Class 3 (medium-power lasers), and Class 4 (high-power lasers). Each class has different levels of potential hazards and safety considerations.

What are the class A class B Class C laser?

Class A, B, and C lasers are classifications based on their potential for hazard to the eye. Class A lasers are safe under normal operating conditions, Class B lasers are hazardous if directly viewed, and Class C lasers are hazardous for even reflections. It is important to always follow safety guidelines and precautions when working with lasers.

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The highest class would be King.

What is the highest class of society in the middle age?

The highest class would be King.

Who was in the highest class in India?

The highest class in India are the Brahmins. These Brahmins are usually priests.

Whats the highest elevation of jalisco?

Cerro Gordo

Who was typically in the highest social class in ancient civilizations?

the ruler was the highest social class