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an action potential moves along the neuron

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Eudora Brekke

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3y ago
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Q: When you touch something hot, a neuron in your finger senses the temperature. Which happens first?
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When you touch something hot a neuron in you finger senses the temperature which happens first?

an action forms

When you touch something hot neuron in your finger senseds the temperature. Which happens first?

an action potential moves along the neuron

When you touch something hot a nueron in your finger senses the temperature. which happens first?

The neuron in your finger senses the temperature first. It sends a signal to your brain, which then interprets the information and signals your muscles to move your hand away from the heat source.

When you touch something hot, a neuron in your finger senses the temperature. Which best describes the first reaction the neuron has?

An action potential forms :) -Apex-

When you touch something hot a neuron in your senses the temperature. which happens first?

an action potential moves along the neuron

When you touch something hot a neauron in your finger senses the temperature which happens first?

The first thing that happens when you touch something hot is the activation of specialized nerve endings called thermoreceptors in your skin. These thermoreceptors detect the change in temperature and send a signal to the brain through the neuron to alert you of the heat and trigger a reflex action like pulling your hand away.

What a neuron in your finger senses the temperature when you touch something hot?

The nerve cells that detect heat (located within your Dermis) activate when touching a hot surface. This nerve impulse then travels through your central nervous system to your brain when it is translated as "pain" or "damage" to the area. The signal travels back down the arm as a reaction to move the stimulous and causes you to move your hand.

When you touch something hot a neuron in your fingers senses the temperature which best decscribes the first reaction the neuron has?

Ions flow into the neuron. An action potential forms moves along the neuron. A response occurs, here, an aversion response... your body pulls your hand and finger away.

What happens when neurotransmitters communicate an excitatory message to the postsynaptic neuron?

When neurotransmitters communicate an inhibitory message to the postsynaptic neuron:

What is the Neuron function?

The function of a neuron is to transfer messages throughout the brain. These neurons are all attached and interpret everything that happens.

How does the nerve impulse cross the space between two adjacent neurons?

The nerve impulse triggers the release of neurotransmitters from the presynaptic neuron. These neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, causing ion channels to open and leading to generation of a new nerve impulse in the postsynaptic neuron.

What happens to the neuron if sodium channels do not open?

causes chemically gated sodium channels to open