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5 + x/3 = x/2 --> 5 = x/2 - x/3. Multiply both sides by 6: 30 = 3x - 2x = x

x is 30. Check: 30/3 = 10, add 5 is 15, which is half of 30.

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Q: When 5 is added to one third of a number the result is half of the number what is the number?
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The wording is ambiguous. If the questions means, "From what number can you subtract one-half to get a result of zero?" then the answer is one-half. (1/2) - (1/2) = 0 If the question means, "From what number can you subtract half of the number to get a result of zero?" then the answer is zero. 0 - (1/2)0 = 0

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if it doesnt have to be a whole number then half. if it does,... i dont know

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...but if you multiply a whole number by a half the result decreases. Half of anything is less than that thing!

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In mystery number 6 kits mystery challenge aunt Millie asks what is one third of a pound and a half?

One third of a pound and a half is half a pound.

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80 Let the number be x. The original number gets quartered first. x/4 The new number gets added by half. 1.5x/4 1.5x/4=60 1.5x=60*4=240 x=240/1.5 x=160

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What is the number between A half and a third?

There are infinitely many number in the interval. Any decimal number starting with 0.4 will do.