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Cells don't do fermentation, the yeast does. Cells don't do fermentation, the yeast does.

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Q: When Cells use oxygen to release energy during?
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Cells use oxygen and sugars during cellular respiration and release what?

energy, water and oxygen

Is a reactant that is needed in order for cells to be able to release energy from glucose during areboic respiration?


When the oxygen is carried to cells it is used to relese what?

cells use the oxygen to release chemical energy.

When oxygen is carried to cells it used to release what?


What important gas do red blood cells in the capillaries absorb and transport throughout the body?

Red blood cells absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide at lungs which was absorbed from other cells in the body during blood circulation, then it releases oxygen to those body cells in order to respire and release energy .

What is the process in which glucose and oxygen react in cells to release energy?


What does the delivery of oxygen to cells to do?

Oxygen is used by cells for the process of respiration. Respiration is the release of energy from food. When this happens using oxygen it is called aerobic respiration: glucose + oxygen ----> water + carbon dioxide + ENERGY IRON

What is produced when cells use oxygen to release energy from sugar?

they form children

The process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen?

by the process of respiration

What does the delivery of oxygen allow cells to do?

Oxygen is used by cells for the process of respiration. Respiration is the release of energy from food. When this happens using oxygen it is called aerobic respiration: glucose + oxygen ----> water + carbon dioxide + ENERGY IRON

Process by which cells use oxygen to release energy stored in glucose?

Cellular Respiration

Why is oxygen important to blood and other cells?

Oxygen is important because it is essential for cellular respiration, the process by which cells produce energy. Blood carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues, where it is used by cells to generate energy in the form of ATP through the process of aerobic respiration. Oxygen also plays a critical role in the functioning of the immune system and in maintaining overall cell health.