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Q: When Mary arrived at the tomb what did she find?
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Who was the first person to the tomb on Easter morning?

In Mark's Gospel, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome came together to the tomb. The young man was already there before them. The disciples did not go. In Matthew's Gospel, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the tomb. Presumably the guards also looked and saw the tomb to be empty. Once again, the disciples did not go. In Luke's Gospel, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and other women came together to the tomb. Peter ran to the tomb to check their story. In John's Gospel, Mary Magdalene came by herself to the tomb and saw the stone had been moved. Peter and the "disciple whom Jesus loved" then ran to the tomb to check her story. the disciple outran Peter and arrived at the tomb first, but it was Peter who first went into the tomb.

How would Mary open the tomb?

Mary did not open any tomb it was already open

What did Mary Magdalene and Mary mother of James think of when they were going to the empty tomb?

Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb.

Who went Jesus' tomb to anoint him?

A:The specific answer required appears to be Salome, as told in Mark's Gospel. The other gospels do not mention her, although her presence is possible in Luke. Matthew's Gospel Only Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, presumably Mary mother of James, went to see the tomb. They ran back to tell the disciples.Mark's Gospel Salome went to the tomb with Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James.Luke's Gospel The women who came with Jesus from Galilee and certain others went to the tomb. Luke does not tell us who the women were. In this version, Peter came to the tomb after hearing from the women.John's Gospel Only Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. In this version, Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved came Peter came to the tomb after hearing from Mary Magdalene.

Why is Mary Magdalene famous?

She discovered the tomb

Did mary go to the tomb of Jesus?

Of course she did

Who appeared to Mary Magdalene on her way home from the tomb?

It was Jesus who appeared to Mary.

According to Luke's Gospel what two women discovered the empty tomb?

A:Each of the gospels has a different report as to just who visited the tomb and what occurred: Matthew: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the tomb (Matthew 28:1). An angel came down from heaven and told them Jesus was risen.Mark:Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome came to the tomb (Mark 16:1). A young man inside the tomb told them that Jesus was risen.Luke:Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, andother women came to the tomb (Luke 24:10). Two men inside the tomb told them that Jesus was risen.John: OnlyMary Magdalene went to the tomb. Seeing the stone removed, she simply returned and told the apostles.

What was Mary told to do after finding tomb empty?

In Matthew's Gospel, the angel who rolled away the stone told Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to go quickly and tell the disciples that Jesus was risen. On the way to tell the disciples, they met Jesus, who told them to tell the disciples to go to Galilee, where he would meet them.Mark's Gospel has a similar account. The tomb was already open when Mary Magdalene, the other Mary and Salome arrived. The young man they found inside the tomb told them to go quickly and tell the disciples that Jesus was risen and to go to Galilee, where he would meet them, but they ran away and told no one.In Luke's Gospel, the two men who were in the tomb told the women what had happened. They were not told to do anything, but nevertheless they told the disciples, who did not believe them.In John's Gospel, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb while it was still dark, but found the stone had been taken away. She did not know that the tomb was empty and spoke to no one, but ran and told Peter and the "disciple whom Jesus loved".

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Who was the woman who discovered the empty tomb of Jesus?

Mary Magdalene was the woman who discovered the empty tomb of Jesus according to the Bible. She went to the tomb early in the morning after Jesus' crucifixion and found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty, leading to the belief in Jesus' resurrection.