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Tiger is 3 ft long

→ 2/3 Tiger's length is 2/3 × 3 ft = 2 ft

1 ft = 12 in

Kurt is 3 inches less than this

→ Kurt is 2 ft - 3 in = 1 ft + 1 ft - 3 in

= 1 ft + 12 in - 3 in

= 1 ft + 9 in

= 1 ft 9 in long

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Kurt is 1 ft 9 in.

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Q: When Phillip has two turtles Kurt and Tiger. Kurt is 3 inches less than two-thirds the length of Tiger. If Tiger is 3 feet long how long is Kurt?
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How big do Box turtles get in Kansas?

The only box turtles indigenous to Kansas are the Ornate box turtle and the Three toed box turtle. They both grow to an adult shell length of 6 inches. The biggest box turtles are Gulf Coast box turtles (not in Kansas) and they can grow to 8 inches or more in length. To answer your question, the state they are in has no affect on how big they grow so if you put a gulf coast box turtle in Kansas it can still grow to 8 inches or more.:-)

How big is an adult red-eared slider turtle?

Red-eared slider turtles can reach about 7-9 inches as males and 7-12 inches as females in length.

How long are alligator snapping turtles?

Alligator snapping turtles may be just inches long at birth, but as adults they can grow to a length of 2-5 feet. Larger cases are possible, but rare.

What size is a pond turtle?

Well, red ear sliders can get 14 inches while map turtles at the largest are around 8 to 10 inches. Have two large ponds in Florida and have six turtles. Soft turtles can get huge and grow to the size of what environment they are living in. Have one in its own pond almost two feet round.

Can you sell turtles in Delaware?

The FDA prohibited the distribution and sale of chelonians (turtles and tortoises) with shells 4 inches in length or less in 1970 after a quarter million infants and small children were diagnosed with having turtle-associated salmonellosis. The agency believed that turtles with shells larger than 4 inches do not pose the same threat since youngsters would not likely try to fit them into their mouths. The FDA asks that anyone who has knowledge of sales or distribution of turtles less than 4 inches in length to report the location and circumstances of the sales to the nearest FDA

Can Turtles Die from too much water in the Tank?

No, AQUATIC turtles are great swimmers, I keep mine in a tank that 20 inches tall filled to the top and the turtles are only 1.5 & 2.25 inches in shell length. Red ear sliders, in the wild use deep water for protection from raccoons and other harmful animals.

How big do painted turtles get?

Depending on subspecies, up to around 10 inches / 25 cm.

What kind of turtles live in Indiana?

It is illegal in the State of Indiana to sell native species of turtles, and their subspecies, regardless of whether they are captive-bred or wild-caught. Native turtles include red-eared sliders, painted turtles, map turtles, common snapping turtles, and box turtles. Even if the turtle is not native to Indiana, the FDA prohibits the selling of turtles with a shell under four (4) inches in length in an effort to prevent contact with turtles carrying the Salmonella bacteria.

What is the missing length of two similar rectangles if the first has length n inches and width 16 inches and the second has length 15 inches and width 12 inches?

20 inches

How old is a painted turtle 2 inches long?

size is not an accurate way to tell age of a turtle do to the fact that if the turtle is kept in poor conditions ie without light in a very small enclosure not eating correctly or if it is sick... but from my opinion a quarter sized turtle is about 5 weeks old.

16 inches and 14 inches is what length to a rectangle?


What are inches measued for?

Inches are used for measuring length. Tailors measure inches for the length of a man's trousers.