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First of all, In the Hebrew scriptures, it's not Satan: it's "the adversary" (the hebrew word for "the adversary" is ha-sah-tan).

Second, Jewish scriptures don't translate anything in the book of Job as cursing G-d, so you would need to provide the verse you're talking about.

However in two distinct verses, Job 1:11 and 2:5, the Satan does suggest to God that Job will curse God. In those passages the phrase used is "he will surely curse you to your face" which is in Hebrew "im-lo al-panekha y'varakheka" (אִם־לֹ֥א עַל־פָּנֶ֖יךָ יְבָרֲכֶֽךָּ).

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Q: When Satan suggests that Job would curse God what is the Hebrew word for curse?
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NO! why would he curse? if he did that everytime then he would be canceled

What are the Hebrew words for reject Satan?

The Christian concept of Satan doesn't exist in Hebrew or in Judaism. The closest you could come is reject evil choices:סור מרע (soor meh ra)If you try to say reject Satan, it'll come out sounding like "reject opponents" which doesn't make any sense, especially if you want to play tennis against someone.Additionally, it is worth noting that if you address a Jew or Muslim this way (which would be the most likely reason for learning how to say this phrase in Hebrew), he or she will become rather indignant with you since both believe in God, not Satan.Answer:You could recite Zechariah 3:2.The relevant part in this verse is where God says to Satan: "The Lord rebukes you, Satan" (Yig'ar HaShem bekha haSatan) יגער ה' בך השטן

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Does Satan speak Hebrew or aramaic?

Assuming you believe in Satan as an evil lesser deity independent from God, then you would probably believe he speaks all languages.Jews do not believe in this kind of satan. In Judaism, the term "satan" used since its earliest biblical contexts to refer to a human opponent. In this case, the language would most likely be Hebrew, since the only references to this adversarial man are in Hebrew documents.Occasionally, the term has been used to suggest evil influence opposing human beings, as in the Jewish commentary of the Yetzer hara ("evil inclination" Genesis 6:5). Micaiah's "lying spirit" in 1 Kings 22:22 is sometimes related.Thus, a satan is personified as a character in three different places of the Tanakh, serving as an accuser (Zechariah 3:1–2), a seducer (1 Chronicles 21:1), or as a heavenly persecutor who is "among the sons of God" (Job 2:1). In any case, each satan is always subordinate to the power of God, having a role in the divine plan. Opponents (satans) are rarely mentioned in Judaism.

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Not all artists worship Satan, except if you are Wicca, then you would worship Satan. Not all artists are Wicca.

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The main answer would be 'the devil' which is what Satan is usually refered too.

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Well, it would depend on the curse and if there was one.

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Demons are what you call entities identified with Satan. The opposite would be Angels.