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Q: When a firm operates under conditions of monopoly its price is?
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Monopolistic competition refers to the the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.

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when marginal revenue equal to marginal cost,when marginal cost curve cut marginal revenue curve from the below and when price is greter than average total cost

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the firm is too small and has too much cometition which offers the same product. if it charged more than ist cost Price the competition would take the customer away. becoming a pricemaker needs a local, innovational, governmental or resource based monopoly. that's not given under perfect marked condition.

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discriminating possible and profiable

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Monopoly Island

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Under the Boardwalk The Monopoly Story - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: USA:G (certificate #46320)

How much is a generic monopoly game?

I don't know what you mean by generic Monopoly but you can get some Monopoly varieties for under $10. The original doesn't cost much more.

Explain price determination under monopolistic competition?

My heartfelt apologies, I don't mean to be rude. But, is this a loaded question? If it is a monopoly, there's no competition. Therefore you can determine the price any way you want. {eijgniy: hey there is such a market called monopolistic competition.