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It gets cooled because the internal energy of the system decreases.

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Q: When a gas undergoes adiabatic expansion it gets cooled due to?
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If you compress a gas, it gets hotter through a process called adiabatic heating. It gets even hotter because the compressor is not a perfect machine and will add heat to it. It you take the compressed gas and let it cool to ambient temperature by passing the hot compressed gas through a radiator and then let it return to ambient pressure you will get adiabatic cooling. If this now cooled gas was compressed again and cooled again you could make it colder and colder. A process like this is used to make liquid oxygen. Special refrigerant gasses are usually used so that when they are compressed they become a hot liquid that is then cooled. This is then allowed to evaporate through a small hole. Not only does this mean you get adiabatic cooling but there is more energy absorbed to enable the change of state from liquid to gas, or latent heat of evaporation.

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When air is cooled what happens?

Uhm, it gets colder of course....

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The Eiffel Tower gets bigger in the summer becaus of Thermal Expansion. It gets 15cm taller.

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What is adiabatic heating and cooling?

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