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yes, your heart stops beating only when your dead.

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12y ago

Yes, when you are in a coma you're heart continues to beat.

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Most likely not

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Q: Does your heart beat in a coma?
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Don't know the date but in his book Mein Kampf he says his father beat him into a coma for three days

Can you feel a heart beat at 8 weeks?

You will not be able to feel a heart beat, but a heart beat can be detected. Usually at around 5 weeks a heart beat can be heard.

Can you have a pulse without a heart beat?

The Heart can continue to beat independently from the brain. There have been cases where a subject has been in a deep coma, showing no signs of electrical brain activity, yet the heart has continued to function normally. New research now suggest that the heart has its own brain like qualities and can receive, process and remember information from external stimuli, passing this information to the brain.

Who in glee ends up in coma?

In the episode "grilled cheesus" in the second season, Burt Hummel, Kurt's father, is in a coma after a heart attack.

Are there people with no heart beat?

yes there are ppl with no heart beat and their dead

Does a frog have a slow heart beat?

i think it does have a slow heart beat!

Does your heart beat faster when your nose is plugged?

no your heart beat is the same

What is the cause of death of Mark McCormack?

heart attack then in coma for three months.

Which valve controls the heartbeat?

Valves have nothing to do with heart beat The pacemaker of the heart controls the heart beat

Why is skipping good for your heart?

It's not good at all.