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When a product has elastic demand it means that a change in price will have a subsequent change in price. An example of an elastic good is a fuji apple. If the prices of fuji apples increase, then consumers will buy a substitute, like a pear instead. Say we are given a good, like food (in general), this product would be inelastic. Even a large increase in price would could little change in demand because people need this good.

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Q: When a product is known to have an 'elastic demand' it means?
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What is the difference elastic and inelastic demand?

Difference is that inelastic demand people need to have that item no matter what the cost. An example would be insulin for diabetic people. Elastic demand is when someone doesn't need to buy a product if the price changes. Example is ramen noodles. If they cost $100 per packet people wouldn't buy them.

What Distinction between price elastic and price inelastic?

Elasticity is "a measure of responsiveness that tells us how a dependent variable such as a quantity responds to a change in an independent variable such as price." Basically, that means that elastic product's demand is affected by price and an inelastic product's demand is unaffected by price.For example: if a product is elastic, the price goes up and demand goes down, or the price goes down and demand goes up. Examples are electronics, candy and junk food, and even cars.If a product is inelastic, the demand will stay the same no matter the price. Examples are medical supplies.

What is Elastic demand?

Elastic demand means something increases or decreases as the price of an item goes down or up.

When elasticity of demand for a good is exactly 1 how is demand described?

It means it is Unitary elastic.

What is the definition of perfectly elastic demand?

A perfectly elastic demand is one whos demand curve is a perfectly horizontal line. This means that at the same price for the item, the consumer is willing to buy more and more even at that same price.

When an economist says that the demand for a product has increased this means that?

When an economist says that the demand for a product has increased this means that

What does it mean that the demand for a product is high?

if a product is in high demand it means lots of people want/like it, if something is in demand someone wants it, high demand means that product is popular and people want it, it's in high demand.

What is an example of a product which has a perfectly elastic demand?

One example is money. When one charges any value more than the face value of a piece of currency, the revenue drops to zero, because the value of the money given up by the consumer is larger than the value obtained. This means that no one would by your product, thus bringing revenue to zero. --> money is the example for highly elastic demand, isn't it?

What kind of demand is involved when change in price equals to percent change in quantity?

This is unit elastic demand. Elasticity measures how price responds to a given variable (in this case demand). If prices and demand move at the same rate you have unit elastic demand. Mathematically it means the ratio of price change to demand change is 1.

What is an example of a product that is not elastic?

A product that is "not elastic" is considered "inelelastic." More precisely, we say that DEMAND for the product is elastic or inelastic (a good example of an"elastic product" is a rubber band, but that is to say nothing of its demand.Inelastic goods tend to fall into a few categories. They may be goods which have few close substitutes. This means that broadly defined goods tend to have less elastic demand than narrowly defined goods. For example, "vegetables" have less elastic demand than "broccoli," because if the price of broccoli goes up, we can easily switch to cauliflower or asparagus. Likewise, "vegetables" have more elastic demand than "food." When vegetables are more costly, we can stock up on grains or fruits (but probably won't switch to more meats, since they tend to be more expensive already). If the price of food goes up, we will simply pay it if we can. Thus, "food" is a relatively inelastic good.Another category of goods with inelastic demand is goods whose cost represents a small portion of our budgets. Salt is a great example. If the cost of salt doubles from $1 to $2, we are unlikely to cut our consumption in half. We may not even notice.

What is the definition of perfectly elastic supply?

The definition of perfectly elastic supply is a supply that can change along with the demand. This means if paper for example is not demanded in large quantities and then all of the sudden is there will be enough paper to supply the demand.

Is cotton elastic or inelastic product?

Cotton is an inelastic product, meaning its quantity demanded does not change significantly with price fluctuations. This is because cotton is a basic necessity and its demand remains fairly stable regardless of price changes.