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Fracture :)

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Q: When a pyrite crystal is hit with a hammer it breaks into pieces with smoothly curved edges What is the new type of rock?
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Related questions

What is used to finish curved surfaces?

a hammer

What is a curved claw hammer?

A curved claw hammer is a lot like it sounds. One side of the metal portion of the hammer has a protruding curved portion. The curve has a split in the center that resembles a claw. It is used for prying. If a nail is sticking up, it can be gripped in the claw, and the hammer is rocked back using the curve. It uses leverage to pull the nail out of the wood.

What breaks when hit with a hammer?

Bricks and eggs.

What breaks apart rocks?

a chisel and a hammer

What happens when you hit a crystal with a hammer?

In most cases the crystal will shatter. The manner in which it shatters depends on the type of crystal.

How is the structure of a hammer related to its function?

The hammer is hard and heavy, which helps to drive the nail in. The flat surface is for striking, and the curved clawed surface is for prying.

How do you break the crystal ball in the antrim escape game?

the hammer

If an element breaks when its struck with a hammer is it a metal?

Yes, that means it's malleable, like Gold.

Why are sicklecells sickle?

They are in the shape of a sickle. A sickle is a hand held curved blade, sharp on the inside edge, used for cutting crops. (See hammer and Sickle in the old USSR flag). Why they are in the shape of the sickle, is probably due to their chemical makeup and crystal structure.

What is DAO pistols?

DAO = Double Action Only. Pulling the trigger cocks the hammer (striker) until the trigger breaks and the hammer (or striker) hits the firing pin. A striker is like an internal hammer.

Does a crystal being hit by a hammer contain ionic or metallic bonds?

A crystal being hit by a hammer is more likely to contain ionic bonds, as these bonds are formed between ions of opposite charges. Metallic bonds are found in metals, where electrons are shared and contribute to the overall structure and properties of the material.

How do you beat level 13on floors?

First you flip the device towards you then the hammer will fall click on the hammer and it will go into your items list. Click on the hammer there and tap the brick wall til it breaks. Hit the green arrow.