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It looses energy to the surroundings. When bindings brakes, energy is released.

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A state change from a liquid to a solid is an example of a thermodynamic system losing energy to it's surroundings.

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mercedes mon

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3y ago

When a solid changes to liquid it will gain energy

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Q: When a solid changes to liquid will it gain or lose energy?
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What is the driving force that causes matter to change phase?

A change in temperature. As temperature increases a solid will melt into a liquid. A liquid will evaporate into a gas. As the temperater decreases a gas condenses into a liquid. A liquid freezes to solid. Sometimes the liquid phase is skipped altogether. The temperature at which phase transitions occur vary for different chemicals due to different chemical structures and bonding. Also some compounds will decompose, rather than melt.

What would happen if you cool the gas?

it would turn into liquid because molecules gain energy and join forces as they are cooled.

Change of water from a liquid to a gas state?

boiling? At around 100 degree centigrade, the heat provides the liquid water with enough kinetic energy that the particles gain so much energy that the hydrogen bonds break and the water than changes to water vapour as the particles spread out and travel much faster.

The change of water from a gas to a liquid?

The process of changing liquid water into a gas is called evaporation. Energy is added to the liquid water - generally in the form of heat. When enough energy is added, it allows the most energetic molecules at the surface of the liquid to break free of the liquid and enter the gas phase. The more energy that is added, the more water molecules will have enough energy to move into the gas phase. If enough energy is added, all the molecules will leave the liquid and from then on adding energy will just make the gas warmer. Another way to change liquid water into gas is to drop the pressure above the liquid. In this case, it takes less energy for the molecules in the liquid to get away from the liquid so some of them will already be energetic enough to get away. Any mass of liquid water will have a range of energies for the molecules, some will be low energy, others high energy with each collision between the molecules, they either gain or loose energy. If they gain enough energy, they can become energetic enough to escape the liquid as a gas. The higher the pressure, the more energy is required to become a gas. If the liquid water is in contact with some gas - air for example. The liquid will evaporate until the gas is saturated with water vapor. At that point the rate of water molecules dropping out of the gas back into the water (because they don't have enough energy to stay in the gas) is equal to the rate of water molecules escaping from the liquid to become gas. This point is also known as "equilibrium".

Can matter change into a gas to a solid?

matter can be changed from a solid to a liquid and then to a gas because a solid can melt and turn into liquid and then the liquid can evaporate and turn into a gas

Related questions

What is the temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid called is there a gain or a loss of energy?

Such a temperature is known as Freezing point of the liquid, during the freezing process the system losses the energy.

Does a liquid gain energy or lose energy as it changes from liquid to gas?

They gain energy. For a solid to become a liquid, energy has to be added so that the molecules can break their bond and move freely past each other. Liquids have a higher kinetic energy than a solid.

Do molecules gain or lose energy from melting?

When matter melts (changes from a solid to a liquid state), its molecules move faster, meaning they are gaining energy.

Does it gain or lose energy when a solid melts?

When a solid melts, it gains energy in the form of heat because energy is required to break the intermolecular forces holding the solid together. This energy goes into overcoming these forces, allowing the solid to transition to a liquid state.

What is the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid called is there a gain or a loss of energy?

The temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid is called the melting point. This process involves a gain of energy, as heat is absorbed to break the intermolecular forces holding the solid together, allowing the molecules to move more freely and transition into a liquid state.

When a substance changes from a solid to a gas it needs to what energy?

gain heat energy.

What is melting or boiling point?

Melting point is the temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid, while boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas. Both are characteristic properties of a substance and can vary depending on the substance's molecular structure.

What happens when liquid solids or gas absorb heat?

the molecules gain or lose energy, the more energy these molecules have the easy it is for them to break the bonds holding them together, thus when you apply enough heat to a substance it changes from a solid to a liquid then from a liquid to a gas.

What is the difference between freezing and melting?

Melting is when you heat something up and it turns from a solid state into a liquid state, such as adding heat to ice (solid) melts it to water (liquid). Freezing is the opposite, so cooling a liquid until it becomes a solid.

When a solid gain heat energy its molecules begin vibrating too quickly to stay together so the solid becomes?


How does matter go from a solid to a liquid?

particles of solid gain energy from the higher temperature outside and begin to move faster overcoming the forces of attraction between the particles and turn into a liquid!

When the particles of a solid gain enough kinetic energy to break their ordered arrangement and slip past one another what happens to the solid?

When the particles of a solid gain enough kinetic energy to break their ordered arrangement and slip past one another, the solid undergoes a phase change from solid to liquid. This process is known as melting.