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When anything is cooled its particles move more slowly.

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12y ago
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12y ago

When liquids cool, the particles tend to tighten up, or get really close together, and slow down.

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12y ago

yes because heat creates energy making the temperature go up

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13y ago

There is less energy contained in the molecules

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12y ago

come closer to become a solid by liberating heat

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10y ago

Particles in a solid don't move at all, particles in a liquid move, particles in a gas move quickly

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8y ago

the particles in matter are

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3y ago

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3y ago

When the particles of liquid are cooled, they loose energy and come closer to form solid state. this is the reson what happens to the particles of liquid when it is cooled and also the reason why freezing happens.

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Q: When a liquid or gas is heated the particles move?
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do particles move faster as a liquid or a gas

What does a liquid do to change into a gas?

it must be heated where it's particles seperate to allow them to move more freely

What has to be overcome for a solid to change to a liquid and a liquid to a gas?

The energy between particles. The particles must be heated so that there is no forces of attraction, therefore the solids particles can loosen into liquid particles and the liquids particles can loosen into gas, the heat energy is used to make the particles move faster

How does the particles of a liquid behave when heated?

When a liquid is heated, the particles gain energy and begin to move more rapidly. This increased kinetic energy causes the particles to move farther apart and slide past one another more easily. As a result, the liquid expands and becomes less dense.

Why does a gass expand when heated and contract when cooled?

When a gas is heated up, the particles within the gas start to move faster, going farther apart (expansion). When a gas is cooled, the particles slow down and it starts to condense (contract), and if cooled enough, into a liquid.

Do particles move faster in a gas or liquid?

Particles generally move faster in a gas compared to a liquid. In a gas, particles have more energy and move more freely and quickly as they are not as tightly packed as in a liquid. Conversely, in a liquid, particles are closer together and interact more, resulting in slower movement.

What happens to the particles in a liquid when it is heated?

They begin to vibrate more quickly when a liquid is heated, it will evaporate. ie. the liquid will turn to vapour (gas). if the vapour i s collected, it will turn back to the liquid again once it is cooled (condensation) muck love, kate

How does that speed of the particles of a gas change when the gas is heated?

When gas is heated then its molecule get energy and start to move faster.

How do liquids evaporate when heated?

When the liquid is heated, the particles are given more kinetic energy. This means that they will move faster and further apart. As the particles move faster and further apart, the intermolecular forces become weaker. So it evaporates (becomes a gas)

What happens to particles in a substance when its heated or cooled?

In a solid, the particles start to vibrate a lot.In a liquid, the particles begin to move around faster and faster.In a gas, the particles move extremely fast through the air.

How is the movement of particles in a gas differ from the movement of particles in liquid?

I think the reason why is that the particles in a gas move freely and they move fast. Therefor the particles in a liquid slide past eachother and the reason why that they're differ from eachoth is because a gas and a liquid are differ from eachother like an example, They particles in a gas heat up and move freely

How does the arrangement and movement of particles change as a substance changes from a liquid to a gas and solid to a liquid?

From a liquid to a gas, the particles become more spread out and move slower. From a solid to a liquid, the particles also become more spread out and move slower.