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Q: When all colors of the light spectrum are present you see what color?
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What color light is made when all 7 colors of the are present?

White. It is also called the spectrum.

What is color spectrum?

a series of light and colors.

What is white light the entire range of?

White light is a combination of all visible colors of the spectrum. When white light passes through a prism, it separates into different colors due to their different wavelengths, creating a rainbow of colors.

How does the colors of individual lines of the spectrum of each element relate to the color of the light source as viewed with the naked eye?

The colors of individual lines in the spectrum of an element relate to the specific wavelengths of light emitted or absorbed by that element. When viewed with the naked eye, the overall color of the light source is a combination of all the wavelengths present in the source. By analyzing the spectrum of the light source, you can identify the individual colors contributing to the overall hue.

What is white light in terms of other colors?

White light is a combination of all the colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. When these colors are combined, they form white light. Each color has a different wavelength, and when they are all present together, they create the sensation of white light to our eyes.

What color is an object that absorbs all colors in the light spectrum?

An object that absorbs all colors in the light spectrum will appear black, as it is not reflecting any light back to our eyes.

When you mix colors of a color spectrum it is called?

When you mix colors of a color spectrum, it is called color mixing or additive color mixing. This process involves combining different colors of light to create new colors.

What do you call a light spectrum that is not continuous?

A light spectrum that is not continuous is called a discrete or discontinuous spectrum. This means that instead of a smooth progression of colors, there are distinct individual colors or wavelengths present in the spectrum.

What do you call a prism spreading out light into colors?

It is called Visible light Spectrum.

The range of colors that makes up white light is called the bright light spectrum?

The range of colors that makes up white light is called the visible light spectrum. This spectrum includes all the colors of the rainbow, from red to violet. Brightness refers to the intensity of light, not to the range of colors present.

What is a small segment of total electromagentic spectrum see as color?

Color is a small segment of the total electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. It ranges from violet (shortest wavelength) to red (longest wavelength), with each color corresponding to a specific wavelength of light. The color spectrum includes all the colors of the rainbow, and each color is perceived based on the specific wavelength of light that is present.

Is white light really white?

no it is not it is a mixture of all the colors in the color spectrum