

When an object blocks light?

Updated: 6/1/2024
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10y ago

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When an object blocks light, it creates a shadow. The object absorbs or reflects light, preventing it from reaching the area behind the object, thus casting a shadow in that direction. The size and shape of the shadow depend on the position of the light source and the object blocking the light.

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Q: When an object blocks light?
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What do you get when an object blocks the light?

When an object blocks light, it creates a shadow behind it. Shadows are created when an object prevents light from passing through, casting a darker area on the surface behind the object.

What is formed when an object blocks the light source?

A shadow is formed when an object blocks the light source, preventing light from reaching a surface. The shadow appears on the surface opposite the light source and is a silhouette of the object blocking the light.

What dark area made by an object blocks out light?

A shadow is a dark area created when an object blocks light from reaching a surface. Shadows are formed when an object obstructs the path of light, causing a shadow to appear on the opposite side of the light source.

When an object blocks the path of light what is formed?

A shadow is formed when an object blocks the path of light, preventing light from passing through to the surface behind the object. Shadows are created when light is obstructed, leaving a dark area behind the object on the surface or screen.

What does it mean to have a shadow in your cerrabellum?

it is when an object blocks the light

What is created when an object blocks the light?

A shadow is created when an object blocks light. The shadow is a darker area that forms on the surface opposite to the direction of the light source.

The area of darkness formed when an object blocks light is called a?

Its an opaque object.

Which formed when an opaque object blocks the light?

A shadow is formed when an opaque object blocks the passage of light, creating a dark area behind the object where no light can pass through. This occurs because the object prevents light from reaching the surface beyond it, casting a shadow in its absence.

What is it called when an object blocks light and forms a dark area?

It is called a shadow. When an object blocks the path of light, it creates a shadow on the surface behind it due to the absence of light in that particular area.

How are shadows made?

Shadows are made when an object blocks light from a source, creating a darker area behind the object. Light travels in straight lines, and when an object interrupts the path of light, a shadow is formed on the surface where the light cannot reach. The position and size of the shadow depend on the angle and intensity of the light source in relation to the object.

Which type of object blocks all light from passing through?

An opaque object blocks all light from passing through, as it does not allow light to pass through due to its composition and structure. Examples include wood, metal, and thick plastics.

Are there always shadows?

Yes, shadows are created when an object blocks light. As long as there is a source of light and an object to block it, shadows will be present.