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Q: When and during what periods were ration cards issued in the Soviet Union?
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Related questions

How did people earn rations during World War 2?

Government issued ration books

Who supplied rationing cards during world war 2?

In the UK, Ration Books wee issued by the Ministry of Food.

During the world war why do people register with shops?

Registration was due to the need to ration supplies. Once registered, a person was issued with a Ration Book, allowing them to get a rationed amount of basic foodstuffs.

What is the importance of ration card?

Ration cards, also known as ration stamps, are issued by a government to be used towards food or other rationed items. These are important because they are given out during a time when resources are low in a country and it ensures that people conserve valuable items.

Were World War 2 ration books distributed to children?

Ration books were issued by the US government to allow everyone to have the same chance to get goods as everyone else. There is no exact number on how many ration books were issued but over 8000 ration offices were opened to control the rationing.

How did federal government try to curb public consumption of food and fuel during world war 2?

Everyone was issued a ration book full of food items.

Can someone explain ration stamps for me?

Ration stamps were used to even distribute goods that were in limited supply. Each person in a household was issued a ration book. In addition to paying for the items, the proper ration stamps had to be given to the shopkeepers to get certain things.

What were the Ration Coupons?

Rastion coupons were used during war time due to scarce food conditions. coupons were issued to families depending on number in family. coupons were for food substance and meat.....................also gasoline and tires....

How hard was it to celebrate Christmas during ww2 due to the ration?

hard because they had the ration

Coupons used during the war to purchase items?

called ration books or ration coupons.

How did ration stamp work?

A ration stamp or ration card is a stamp or card issued by a government to allow the holder to obtain food or other commodities that are in short supply during wartime or in other emergency situations. Ration stamps were widely used during World War II by both sides after hostilities caused interruption to the normal supply of goods. They were also used after the end of the War while the economies of the belligerents gradually returned to normal.

To limit products during wartime?
