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Celie and Shug start to get along when Shug takes an interest in Celie's well-being and shows her kindness and compassion. As they spend more time together, they form a deep emotional connection, which leads to a bond of friendship and love. Their relationship evolves from one of mentorship and guidance to a mutual understanding and support for each other.

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Q: When and how do celie and shug start to get along?
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What is celie and shug relationship?

Celie and Shug share a multifaceted relationship. To each other they are confidantes, friends, lovers, sisters, and Shug even mothers Celie to a certain extent.

Who was celie's first kiss with?

The first person Celie kissed, was Shug Avery.

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How does celie feel about shug in the color purple?

major conflict of The Color Purple is Celie is verbally, physically, and sexually abused by several different men, leaving her with little sense of self-worth, no narrative voice, and no one to run to. rising action Shug teaches Celie about God, sexuality, and love, and helps Celie locate Nettie's lost letters.

Who is Shug Avery in the Color Purple?

Shug Avery is a character in "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker. She is a glamorous and confident blues singer who becomes romantically involved with both Celie and Mister. Shug serves as a catalyst for Celie's self-discovery and empowerment throughout the novel.

In The Color Purple what does Shug teach Celie about being loved and about finding one's true self?

Shug teaches Celie about the importance of self-love and acceptance, and encourages her to find her own voice and identity. By showing Celie love and support, Shug helps her to realize her worth and strength, ultimately empowering her to break free from the oppressive forces in her life and embrace her true self.

What is the plot of the book The Color Purple?

The Color Purple tells the story of Celie, a black woman who has never been happy. The book is written in forms of Celie's letters to God, acting as some sort of diary. At first we know about Celie's childhood, we get to know her father, who raped her and had two sons with her, but supposedly killed them in the woods. We get to know Nettie, Celie's sister, who is always protected by Celie. After some years Celie is given in marriage to Mr. ____. He is in love with another woman called Shug, who used to be a singer, but is said to be a w***re. Celie is constantly being abused by her husband and eventually loses contact with her sister. After some time Shug comes to Celie's house to stay with her and her husband. At first they become enemies but then they become really close friends, and Shug changes Celie's point of view of life and religion. They even get to the point of sexual intercourse, and we see that this is the first time that Celie is happy in her life. After some months Shug presents to Celie some letters from Nettie that Mr.___ was hiding. We get to know Nettie's fate as a missionary in Africa. We also get to know that Nettie was with a couple of other missionaries that had adopted Celie's babies. Inspired by Shug, Celie leaves Mr. ____ and gets her own place, in which she starts a business of pants for women. After many events where Celie lost her faith in life once again she meets with Nettie and her two kids, Celie is now an old woman, but ends up thanking everything and everyone for this last chance to be happy

Color Purple Celie's father-in-law compare Shug Avery's legs to?

Baseball bats.

What Religion was celie?

Celie (In-Depth Analysis) Shug also opens Celie's eyes to new ideas about religion, empowering Celie to believe in a nontraditional, non-patriarchal version of God. ... - Cached - Similar

Who are the Foil Characters in the color purple?

In "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker, Celie and Shug Avery serve as foil characters to each other. Celie is introverted and submissive, while Shug is outspoken and independent. Their contrasting personalities help to highlight different aspects of each other's character development throughout the novel.

Who has sung Miss Celie's Blues?

Tata Vega sang it. The actress playing Shug lip synced to the music for both "The Dirty Dozens", "Miss Celie's Blues", and "Speak to Me".

Does Shug write a song for Celie?

Yes, in Alice Walker's novel "The Color Purple," Shug Avery writes a song for Celie called "Miss Celie's Blues." The song conveys support, affirmation, and encouragement for Celie as she navigates difficult experiences in her life.