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Q: When are astronauts in space weightless?
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Are astronauts in a space shuttle weightless?

yes there are

Are astronauts weightless inside a international space station?


When astronauts appear weightless it is actually because they are actually in what?

They are in the vacuum of space.

A friend says that astronauts in orbit are weightless because they're beyond the pull of earth's gravity correct your friend's ignorance?

Astronauts are weightless in space because there is no gravity in space. The lack of gravity is what allows them to float.

What causes astronauts to become weighless?

the absence of the gravitational force or field in space causes the astronauts to become weightless

Why do astronauts sleep upright?

They do not. Astronauts in space are effectively weightless, so for them, there is no up or down; the idea of "upright" has no meaning.

The statement that astronauts on the Moon are weightless is?

The statement that astronauts on the Moon are weightless is true.

Identify the characteristic of gravity that is incorrect?

It makes astronauts weightless.

Are austronaughts really weightless in space?

Yes, but they do have the same mass. Weight is based off the effect of gravity pulling something down, because there is no gravity in space astronauts are weightless.

Are astronauts weightless in orbit?

As there is no gravity in space, everything will float........... Because They're in free fall ........

What happens to your bones when you are weightless?

What happens to your bones when you are weightless, is that your bones will get weaker and weaker. That is why everyday, astronauts, have to spend two hours on a treadmill everyday of there space expedition.

How do astronauts in space determine their mass even though they are weightless?

Here is, how: