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Q: When are scientific theories rejected?
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Can scientific theories be rejected?


Can a theory be rejected?

Theories can be changed or rejected if and when the scientific evidence no longer supports the theory.

Which is true about scientific theories?

Scientific theories can be rejected by new reliable evidence.

What was Albert Einstein's first scientific discovery?

His first scientific paper was on the Photoelectric Effect, this was one of the founding theories that ultimately lead to Quantum Mechanics (a theory that Einstein rejected).

How do scientific theories develop and change?

How do scientific theories develop and change?

How did the failure of the Michelson-Morley experiment change scientific theories of light?

The results of the Michelson-Morley experiment did not fit the theory of the luminiferous ether, so the theory had to be rejected.

Why are scientific theories needed?

scientific theories are needed because they just are heheehee:D

Why do scientific ideas change?

Scientific information constantly changes as new information is discovered or as previous hypotheses are retested. New information can lead to changes in scientific theories. When new facts are revealed, a current scientific theory might be revised to include the new facts, or it might be disproved and rejected.

How maths is useful to tell scientific theories?

maths is useful to tell scientific theories becaus

What are the beliefs that have scientific basis?

They are scientific theories.

How are scientific theories and scientific laws useful to scientist?

Scientists make use of theories in order to gain further scientific knowledge

Are theories always completely accepted or rejected?

No. Very few theories are completely accepted or rejected; most theories go through several iterations of modification and adjustment. Even the most ridiculous theory has at least SOME element of validity, and the best theories aren't 100% perfect.