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men like to breed with other men to make more men to breed with. Sound and air particles refract and vibrate differenlt in a silent room compared to a normal one.

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The answer is right there in the language of the question. "Low frequency"

means less frequent. "High frequency" means more frequent.

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Q: When compared with air particles in a silent room how are the particles in compressions and rarefactions different?
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What are the 5 principles of The Particle Theory of Matter?

1. All matter is made up of tiny particles 2. Particles are attracted to each other, some more then others 3. There is space between the particles 4. Particles are always moving, they move faster depending on the temperature

Is it true that the loudness of different sounds is compared in units called hertz?

No.. hertz relates to the frequency (pitch). The volume of a sound is measured in decibels.

What is the atomic structure of an atom?

All atoms consist of two regions. The nucleus is a very small region located near the center of an atom. In every atom the nucleus contains at least one positively charged particle called a proton and usually one or more neutral particles called neutrons. Surrounding the nucleus is a region occupied by negatively charged particles called electrons. This region is very large compared with the size of the nucleus. Protons, neutrons, and electrons are often referred to as subatomic particles.

In an experiment what is the experimental data compared to?

In an experiment there is one thing that it is compared with experimental data. This is when the end results.The experiment data is compared to one thing. It is compared to the end results.

How to use relative humidity in a sentence?

Relative humidity means the percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the total amount that could be contained. This is different at different temperatures. Here are a couple of sentences.The relative humidity is 10 percent.We studied relative humidity in class.

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Which parts of the transverse wave are analogous to the parts of a longitudinal wave?

Well the wavelength is the distance between succesive crests, or troughs on a transverse wave is the distance between consecutive compressions or rarefactions of a longitudinal wave. the frequency can is the time between consecutive crest on a transverse wave and the time between consecutive rarefactions or compressions on a longitudinal wave. the amplitude on a transverse wave is the distance between a crest and the zero value of the wave, not till the trough. on a longitudinal wave the amplitidue is measured by the strength of the rarefactions or compressions as compared to the natural state of the propagation medium. so for a longidudinal wave travelling throught the air; if the compression pressure is 4 bar the amplitude would be greater than if the compression pressure was 3 bar, because the air's natural pressure is 1 bar. in reality things like sound waves have much less compression pressure.

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Colloid particles are smaller than suspensions particles.

Compared to less massive particles at the same temperature more massive particles?

Move more quickly.

In which states of matter particles motion Is maximum?

In the gaseous state. Gas particles have the highest kinetic energy compared to liquid and solid particles.

How do the particles in a liquid moves?

compared to particles in a solid, the particles in a liquid are more loosely connected and can collide with and move past one another.

Which is most penetrating from neutrons protons electrons alpha particles and beta particles?

The most penetrating power is for beta particles compared to those given here.

Compared to the particles in a hardened lava sample the particles in a liquid lava sample?

Have less kinetic energy

What would water particles look like compared to ice particles?

Ice particles form rigid crystalline structures. Liquid water is more fluid and dense.

Explain why americium-241 would be an ideal isotope to use in a smoke detector?

Alpha particles from americium ionized the air. An air with smoke has a different ionization, ionization currents which are also different are measured, compared and the detector (which is before calibrated) is ready !

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Goli bodies are compared to city trucks since they move particles and molecules.

Are particles big?

This completely depends on the matter you are referring to. If you are talking about sub atomic particles that no, they are minute. But you can also have a particle of dust which, yes, is big compared to some other particles.

What are facts about particles?

Particles are small units of matter that make up everything in the universe. Particles can exist as atoms, molecules, or subatomic particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons. Particles can have properties such as mass, charge, and spin, and their interactions are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.