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Q: When cooled enough water vapor into water droplets?
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What happens with water vapor when its cooled?

When water vapor is cooled, it condenses into liquid water. This process is known as condensation. The water vapor molecules slow down and come closer together, forming liquid droplets.

What phase change occurs as water vapor becomes cloud droplets?

Condensation occurs as water vapor changes into cloud droplets. This is the process by which gas or vapor transforms into liquid when cooled.

What is it called when water vapor becomes liquid water?

When water vapor becomes liquid water, it is called condensation. This process occurs when the air is cooled, causing the water vapor to lose its energy and form droplets.

What is it called that occurs when when water vapor cools enough to form water droplets?


What is the state of water in fog?

Fog is composed of tiny water droplets suspended in the air, which are in liquid form. This liquid water vapor condenses into small droplets when the air is cooled to its dew point.

What effect do rapidly cooling temperatures have on the water cycle?

There is usually some water vapor in the air. When the air cools rapidly, the water vapor condenses into water droplets. Clouds are made up of these water droplets (or ice crystals, if it is cold enough). If the droplets get large enough, they fall to the ground as rain.

When the water vapor in rising air condenses it forms what?

This is strait from the apex questions. ITS DEW POINT - C.

Water vapor droplets can become cloud droplets when the is reached.?

Water vapor droplets can become cloud droplets when the what reaches? dew point is the correct answer

Today you can expect the ground to get cold enough for vapor in the air to condense into water droplets which will be deposited on the ground?

The deposit of water droplets on the ground is known as dew.

What is a denotation and not a connotation of the word rain?

Liquid water droplets that have condensed from atmospheric vapor. When enough of these droplets have accumulated in the clouds, they become heavy enough to fall to earth.

What is the process by which water vapor becomes clouds droplets?


What are floating water droplets.?

Water Vapor