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series and medium dependant:


Bakugan: battle brawlers - 2007- 2008 (52 episodes)

" : new vestoria - 2009- 2010 (52 episodes)

" : gundalian invaders - 2010- 2011 (39 episodes)

" : Mechtanium surge - 2011- 2012 (46 episodes)

BakuTech! Bakugan - 2012- 2012 (34 episodes)


BakuTech! Mechtanium surge - 2010- ongoing

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11y ago
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15y ago

Bakugan Series 2 is already out but only of few of them more will come out in the middle of August. For more information come to

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12y ago

It was created in 2006 and the show premired in 2007.

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14y ago

Never. Season 3 of Bakugan doesn't exist. *boo*

yea it does exist i went to wikipedia the creators said it will be called" Bakugan: gundalien invaders" it comes out early in 2010.

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14y ago

Bakugan first started in Japan and (like Pokemon) dan was at least 10 years old when he got his first battle brawler.

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15y ago

2007!!! really

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yes but different bakugan and people in a different world

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you start out with drago,percival,wilma,nemus,hawthor, and muruchos second or third bakugan from the series

What was first bakugan season called?

Bakugan Battle Brawlers

On Bakugan dimensions how do you change your guardian Bakugan?

just put the bakugan you want to be your guardian into the first slot

Who is rank first in Bakugan?

Go to to find out.

Who is your gardian Bakugan on the Bakugan video game?

your guardian bakugan in the video game is Leonidas. depending on what attribute you choose at the start of the game is the attribute Leonidas is.

When will the new season of Bakugan start?

when it starts

When will the bakugan toys start selling in retail stores?

Bakuneon (season's 2) newest Bakugan are starting to hit the retail stores along with the newest Bakugan Trap!

What came first Bakugan or Pokemon?

Pokemon was created in 1995, while Bakugan was created in 2007. Pokemon was created before Bakugan.

How do you start a brawl in bakugan dimension?

you triple click on them

What bakugan do you start with inthe video game?
