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they became illegal in the 80's , i dont really know what year

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Q: What year did fireworks become illegal in Oakland California?
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When did fireworks become illegal?

Depends. When did they pass a law where YOU live? Fireworks are legal in some areas, in other areas they require a Pyrotechics permit. Laws were passed at different times in different places.

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Marijuana was criminalized in California through the State Poison Act of 1907, with possession becoming illegal in 1913. It was further restricted in 1937 with the Marihuana Tax Act, which effectively made it illegal at the federal level as well.

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Probably the same reason they are illegal in California and Hawaii. Ferrets are illegal to hunt with in the US because it is believed by politicians that they may become feral and prey upon native wildlife

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You need to go to the CADOJ web site. 1991.

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Its not illegal to have but it does become illegal when used.

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go to gotham city and put some fireworks down. then blow stuff up and become one of jokers henchman

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When the NHL expanded from six teams to twelve for the 1967-68 season, two of the new franchises were based in California: the Los Angeles Kings and the California Seals (based in Oakland). The Seals franchise, by then having moved and become the Cleveland Barons, folded in 1978.

Did guns become illegal after World War 2?

No. We are still using them today, and thus, they did not become illegal.

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They have always been illegal

Do fireworks expire?

no they do not expire, however they become unpreditable. they may explode instead of launching.

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Slavery was never legal in Oregon, so it never needed to become illegal.