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Novembet of 1979.

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Q: When did Iranian students take Americans hostage?
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What did Iranian students take at the U.S. Embassy?

In 1979, in anger at the United States' refusal to render the deposed Shah back into Iranian custody, Iranians loyal to the Khomeini regime stormed the US embassy and took all of the embassy personnel hostage.

Why did Iranian radicals take American hostages at the US Embassy in 1979?

Radical followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini overran the U.S. Embassy and took Americans hostage to protest the admission of the Shah of Iran into the United States for medical treatment, or because the US was spying on Iran from inside the embassy.

Did Hernan Cortes take Atahualpa in hostage?

No, he took Montezuma hostage

Why did radical followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini overrun the U.S. Embassy and take Americans hostage?

Radical followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini overran the U.S. Embassy and took Americans hostage to protest the admission of the Shah of Iran into the United States for medical treatment, or because the US was spying on Iran from inside the embassy.

Why did cortez take moctezuma hostage?

He took him hostage to get their gold and to strike them first

Why did radical followers of the ayatollah Khameini overrun the U.S. Embassy and take Americans hostage?

to protect the admission of the shah of iran into the united states for medical treatment

Why did Cortes take moctezuma hostage?

Cortes decided to take Montezuma hostage so that he could rule the area with the least amount of bloodshed possible.

Why did radical followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini overrun the U.S. Embassy and take American hostage?

Radical followers of the Ayatollah Khomeini overran the U.S. Embassy and took Americans hostage to protest the admission of the Shah of Iran into the United States for medical treatment, or because the US was spying on Iran from inside the embassy.

Where did Iran hostage crisis take place?

in tahran, Iran

Why didn't those Iranian students take over the British and Canadian Embassies along with U.S. Embassy during the Iranian Revolution in Tehran?

The Iranians overran the US Embassy because the US refused to repatriate the Shah to Iran for a trial (likely a kangaroo court and execution). Canada and Britain were not complicit with that policy, so their embassies were not overtaken.

Why did cortez take moctezuma?

He took him hostage to get their gold and to strike them first