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technically Ralph never threw the head down, he simply punched it so hard it came off the stick (also knocking the jaw off in the process which is what the massive grin mention is about) but as to when he did it, it would be in chapters 11 or 12 when he is being chased by the other boys (right before he jumps out of simons hideout and stabs the savage peering in.

Another answer:

The incident occured in chapter 12: the Cry of the Hunters. After the death of Piggy Ralph had run away from castle rock in fear of his own life. When the expected pursiuit had failed to materialise Ralph had gone to the shelters, ate some fruit and was returning to his hiding place in the thicket close to castle rock when he saw the skull. Ralph had not been part of the hunt when Jack had left the pig's head as an offering to the beast and the only witness, Simon, had been killed. So, Ralph had no idea why the pig's skull was mounted on a stick or who had done it but it made him feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Eventually his dislike turned to rage and he hit out at the thing, knocking it off the stick and causing it to break in two. Then, ever practical, Ralph pulled the stick out of the ground to serve as a weapon. Ralph headed back towards castle rock and later climbed it to speak to Samneric before spending the night sleeping in the thicket.

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14y ago

Jack killed at least three pigs during the course of the book. He arrived back at the mountain top with the body of a pig, when the fire had been allowed to go out, in chapter 4. Jack killed a sow in order to hold a feast on the beach and left its head as an offering to the beast in chapter 8. Finally when Ralph and Piggy went to castle rock, in chapter 11 to demand the return of Piggy's glasses, Jack arrived with two hunters carrying the paunched body of a pig.

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Q: When did Ralph throw down the sow's head in 'Lord of the Flies'?
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