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Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Margaret of Antioch.

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Q: Who did Joan of Arc see in her visions?
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Who inspired Joan of Arc?

Her visions of Sts. Michael, Catherine, & Margaret.

What visions did Joan of Arc have?

Joan of arc claimed to have visions of Saint Michael, Saint Catherine, and Saint Margaret; telling her to cut her hair, wear men's clothing, and pick up the arms (start fighting)

What Saints did Jeanne D'Arc also known as Joan of Arc see in her visions?

Michael the Archangel Catherine of Alexandria Margaret of Antioch

What year did Joan of Arc hear the voices?

Joan began receiving visions in 1424 at the age of 12, and continued receiving visions until she died in 1431.

Did God call Joan of Arc to be in the army?

According to her, she had visions that told her to do so.

What were Joan of Arc's visions from God?

She had visions of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Margaret of Antioch.

Were Joan of arc's visions of god true?

There are man theories on Joan of Arc's visions of God. Some scholars think that she may have had a neurological disorder, such as complex partial seizures or seizures of the temporal lobe. Other theories suggest she had a brain chemical imbalance such as is seen in schizophrenia. Others dismiss these theories for lack of evidence and believe that she did see visions from God.

Why did Joan of Arc want to be leader?

She felt that God wanted her to. She claimed to have had visions that told her to do so.

Is there a portrait of the real Joan of Arc somewhere?

no. Most people who you will see portraits of were rich. Joan of Arc was from a very poor family. no. Most people who you will see portraits of were rich. Joan of Arc was from a very poor family.

Was Charles VII happy after Joan of Arc defeated the English?

Yes, Charles was quite pleased. It also provided proof that what Joan had said about the voices and visions she experienced were true.

What caused Joan of Arc to do what she did?

From the age of 13 Joan had heard voices that directed her as well as visions of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Margaret of Antioch and Saint Catherine of Alexandria.

Did Joan of Arc have any unusual experiences?

She started hearing voices when she was 13 years old and later she had visions of angels and saints.