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Abe Levitow died in 8 May 1975 of multiple myeloma.

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John Levitow died on 2000-11-08.

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When did John Dowland die?

John Dowland died in 1626, in London, England, UK.

When did John Ernley die?

John Ernley died in 1520.

When did John Pordage die?

John Pordage died in 1681.

When did John Trunley die?

John Trunley died in 1944.

When did John Eisenmann die?

John Eisenmann died in 1924.

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When was John Levitow born?

John Levitow was born on 1945-11-01.

When was Abe Levitow born?

Abe Levitow was born on July 2, 1922, in Los Angeles, California, USA.

What year was the John Levitow award established?

According to a similiar question asking who established the John Levitow award, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Sam E. Parish established the award. Parish served as CMSAF between Aug 1, 1983 and June 30, 1986. So, the award was established during this time period.

What is the John Levitow award?

The Levitow award is the pinnacle of achievement for Enlisted Professional Military Education (PME) in the USAF. It is awarded to the top graduate at each level of PME; Airman Leadership School (ALS), Non-Commissioned Officer Leadership School (NCOLS), Non-Commissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) and Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy(SNCOA). There is only one winner in each class. There is, however a Distinguished Graduate award presented to the top 10% of the class, not including the top overall graduate.

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John Cena did not die.

Who were the two enlisted Air Force members who received the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam Conflict?

You must know who they are; since you mentioned only two USAF enlisted men: John Levitow and William Pitsenbarger. Both were Airmen First Class and Airman Pitsenbarger was killed in action.

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When did John Dowland die?

John Dowland died in 1626, in London, England, UK.

How did John James die?

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