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Masuccio Salernitano died in 1475.

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Q: When did Masuccio Salernitano die?
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When was Masuccio Segondo born?

Masuccio Segondo was born in 1291.

When did Hugh of Die die?

Hugh of Die died in 1106.

When did Die Sagerin die?

Die Sagerin died in 1573.

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He didn't die. He just was in an accident,but her didnt die.

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bjarni tryggvason die never because he is not die

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When was Masuccio Salernitano born?

Masuccio Salernitano was born in 1410.

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Who thought of the idea of making high school musical?

The film High School Musical (2006) was the work of writer/screenwriter Peter Barsocchini. The story is a modern adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare (1564-1616), which itself has many parallel's with the plots within Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovid (43 BC - c. 17 AD) and the Ephesian Tale of Anthia and Habrocomes, by Xenophon of Ephesus (3rd century AD). Those two early sources were brought together by Masuccio Salernitano (1410-1475) in his story of Mariotto and Gianozza. In due course, Salernitano's story was re-told as Giulietta e Romeo by Luigi da Porto (1485-1529). So who wrote High School Musical? Peter Barsocchini of course! * For more information about the film, see Related links below this box

Did Haymitch Abernathy create the star-crossed lovers story?

If the star-crossed lovers story you are thinking about is Romeo and Juliet, then no, nobody called haymitch created that story. Neither did William Shakespeare, although his is the most famous telling of it. He got it from Arthur Brooke, but Brooke didn't create the story either. He got it from Mateo Bandello. Did Bandello create it? Nope, he got it from Luigi da Porto, but da Porto wasn't the creator either. DaPorto got it from Masuccio Salernitano. We don't know where he got it from, but the story has a number of resemblances to Pyramus and Thisbe, a story told by Ovid already. This was in the days when there were no copyright laws without which writers would not be able to write anything. As one can plainly see.

Who is the author of romeo and Juliet?

Thomas Creede in 1599 published the popular second quarto. The first quarto was published in 1597 by John Danter. The play was part of the First Folio, published by John Heminges and Henry Condell and printed by Isaac Jaggard and Edward Blount in 1623. Since then it has been published innumerable times.