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Died in 1608 in the nearby castle of Ardenne in Fleac, Sur, Seugne.

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Q: When did Pierre Dugua de Mons die?
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When did Pierre de Manchicourt die?

Pierre de Manchicourt died in 1564.

When did Pierre de Nolhac die?

Pierre de Nolhac died in 1936.

When did Pierre de Sales Laterrière die?

Pierre de Sales Laterrière died in 1815.

When did Pierre de la Place die?

Pierre de la Place died in 1572.

When did Pierre de La Broce die?

Pierre de La Broce died in 1278.

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Do Samuel De Champlain have friends?

French explorer Samuel de Champlain had many friends. Some of these included Pierre Dugua de Mons, Nocolas Boulle, Wendat, and Cardinal de Richelieu.

Who funded Champlain explorations?

The explorations of Samuel de Champlain were primarily funded by Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons, a French nobleman and entrepreneur who held the fur trade monopoly in New France. Dugua provided financial support for Champlain's voyages to explore and establish French colonies in North America.

What is the population of Saint-Pierre-de-Mons?

Saint-Pierre-de-Mons's population is 1,050.

Who sponsored Champlains important voyage?

Samuel de Champlain\'s most important voyage is often considered his voyage to start a new French colony on St. Lawrence. This voyage was sponsored by Pierre Dugua de Mons.

What is the area of Saint-Pierre-de-Mons?

The area of Saint-Pierre-de-Mons is 9,270,000.0 square meters.

Who gave money to Samuel de Champlain?

Samuel de Champlain received financial support from Pierre Dugua de Mons, a wealthy merchant and nobleman who held the fur trade monopoly in New France. Dugua sponsored Champlain's expeditions to explore and colonize the region that would become Quebec, contributing to the establishment of the first permanent French settlements in North America.

Who hired Samuel de Champlain?

Samuel de Champlain was hired by Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons, a French merchant, to explore and establish a settlement in North America. Champlain played a key role in founding the city of Quebec and establishing French colonies in what is now Canada.

Who sent Samuel de Champlain to Canada?

Samuel de Champlain was sent to Canada by Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons, who was a French merchant and explorer granted a fur trade monopoly in New France by King Henry IV of France. Champlain was tasked with establishing a French presence in the region and furthering exploration and trade opportunities.

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Pierre de Corneillan died in 1355.

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