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He did it in 1031

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Q: When did Theodosius of Bithynia invent the sundial?
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Who invented the first sundial?

Theodosius of Bithynia invented the sundial.

Who invented sundial?

Ancient Babylonians, or possibly an earlier civilisation.

Who invented the sun dial?

Theodosius of Bithynia created the first sundial in 160 BC. Theodosius was an astronomer and a mathematician. In 293 BC the first sundial was recorded by Romans.

When did Theodosius of birthynia invented the first sundial?

Theodysius of Bithynia invented the first sundial in the time period of 160 BC - 100 BC. Theodysius was a Greek astronomer and mathematician.

Who wrote Sphaerics?

Theodosius of Bithynia wrote Sphaerics.

How did theodosius make the fisrt sundial?

he made it by using metal

How did Theodosius of Bithynia die?

he fell to his death off a bridge into a pool of rabies. Thus, he turned into a dragon.

Who invented the sundial and when?

Theodosius in 1747 Also the fact has been known it is India.

Did the sumerians invent sundial?


Who first use the sundial?

The first sundials are from 1500 B.C. from ancient Egypt and Babylon called shadow clocks. The first universal sundial was created by Theodosius of Bithynia. He was a mathematician and astronomer in ancient Greece.

What technology did the Sumerians invent?

Potter's Wheel. Wagon Wheel. Sundial. Cunieform.

What did the Anglo Saxons invent?

The Anglo-Saxons are credited with inventing important tools and technologies such as the moldboard plough, the horizontal loom for weaving, and the stirrup for horse riding. They also developed their own unique artistic styles in metalwork, jewelry, and manuscript illumination.