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As with so many aspects of Shakespeare's life, it is not known when he began to write.

The earliest known reference to his writing was a criticism of the play Henry VI part 3, published in 1592 when Shakespeare was 28 years old.

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11y ago

Nobody knows exactly. It is believed that he learned his letters first at a "Dame school", a sort of primary school, from which he graduated to a grammar school, which is assumed to be the "King's New School", King Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford. There is no documentary proof of any of this but it is in every way consistent with what we know about Shakespeare.

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10y ago

He probably started to learn his letters at the age of six or so. Young children were taught in "dame schools" at home by women before they reached the age where they could attend grammar school.

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11y ago

the academy for people that cant right yet.

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9y ago

The only information about Shakespeare's education is that by the age of 8, he can already read and speak Latin. He finished formal schooling at the age of 14.

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Obviously, yes. He is most famous for the things he wrote, most of which were closely based on what he read.

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