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peter minuit had found it in 1626 or 1624

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Q: When did peter minuit find new york city?
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What was Peter Minuit's purpose?

To find New York

Did peter minuit find new york?

Peter Minuit found New Amsterdam and was the first governor of New Sweden. Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan Island from the Indians.

Did Peter Minuit or James Duke of York find New York?

Peter Minuit founded New York colony in the 1600's to 1700's But New York was named after the Duke of York

What city in New York was bought for beads?

The story is that Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan with beads.

Who was Peter Minuit?

Peter Minuit was a man who founded a few early colonies, and he is the one that bought the island of Manhattan (present day New York City) from the native people in the area.

IN 1626 Governor Peter Minuit bought from the Manhates people an island now known as what?

New York City.

Where did Peter Minuit travel?

Peter Minuit traveled from what is now Germany. He bought Manhattan Island from the Lenepe Indian tribe. The land later became New York City. He also started the Delaware Colony.

Who where the important people in New York?

peter minuit

What colony did Peter Minuit founded?

New York - one of the 13 original colonies

Who is important when the Dutch founded New York?

Peter Minuit.

Why is peter minuit important?

He bought New York from the Indians.

Who was the dutch leader who bought Manhattan island from local Indians?

Manhattan Island in New York (where you would find New York City)