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The 2 main ones were mustard and chlorine gas. mustard would make you blind and chlorine was worse it would burn your lungs.

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Q: When did the Germans first use gas?
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Who releases gas in World War 1?

Poison gas is brought into WWI by the Germans. Both sides used gas, although the Germans were the first to use poison gas

When did the Germans first use chlorine gas ww1?

battle of the ypres

What were the Germans the first to use in ww1?

Gas, bio logical warfare

Who were the first people to use posion gas and gas masks in world war 1?

The Germans on the Western Front

What country was the first one to use poison gas in World War 1?

the Germans :)

When had poison gas been used before?

In World War 1, we begin to see the first use of poision gas use. The Germans used chlorine and mustard gas to clear trenches of the Allied forces.

What was the first use of poison in fog smoke etc?

Poison gas was first used by the Germans at Second Battle of Ypres during the First World War.

When was poisonous gas first used by Germans in world war 1?

April 22, 1915 at 5:00PM, near Ypres France, the Germans released 168 tons of chlorine gas against the French.The above statement is not entirely correct, the first recorded gas attack was by the French in August 1914, they used tear gas grenades containing xylyl bromide on the Germans. The Second Battle of Ypres is the first use of gas with intent to cause harm rather than just an irritant.Actually, the first is statement is correct about the part that the Germans released a gas.. that person said chlorine (idk if the Germans released that) but i know that they released a gas called mustard gas at the Russians ;) lol all three answers u got r different.. XD

Worlds first war gas?

Gas was first used in warfare during the Second Battle of Ypres in 1915 by the Germans.

What country was the first to use poison gas during World War 1?

The first to use gas (tear gas) was by the french in August 1914 in the form of tear gas grenades (xylyl bromide) against the Germans. however the Chlorine gas was introduced to the trenches by German forces on 22 April 1915, at the start of the Second Battle of Ypres.

Who used poison gas in the first war?

Both sides, but the Germans started it.

Why did Germans use gas?

It was a non-messy and very discreet way of mass killings