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A:Even at the end of the first century, Churches had not yet defined exactly what Christian doctrine was. The important doctrine of the Holy Trinity was formulated in the third century and adopted, only after considerable dissent, at the Council of Nicaea in the fourth century. Emperor Theodosius made belief in the Holy Trinity a requirement for all Christians in 381 CE.

1 John 5:7, known widely as the 'Johannine Comma', appeared in the Latin translation from the fifth century onwards, thereby providing indirect support for the Holy Trinity, with the words, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." This was never in the early Greek manuscripts.

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The concept of the Holy Trinity became an official doctrine in Christianity during the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. This council established the belief in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three distinct persons in one Godhead.

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What do you call the three divine persons in one god?

The three divine persons in one God are referred to as the Holy Trinity in Christian theology. This concept highlights the belief in God as three persons - Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit - existing as one divine being.

Does the Holy Spirit exist?

Belief in the Holy Spirit is a fundamental tenet of Christianity, where the Holy Spirit is seen as the third person of the Holy Trinity. Different religious traditions have varying interpretations of the Holy Spirit.

Is the trinity a pagan ritual?

Actually the trinity is a Christian term. It refers to the Christian belief the God the Father, Jesus Christ, His Son, and the Holy Spirit are three separate entities, but are also one and the same. So, in short, no, the trinity is not a pagan ritual. It's a term that refers to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

What does holy war mean?

A holy war is a conflict fought in the name of religious faith, typically believed to have spiritual significance and divine approval. It is often motivated by the belief that fighting is a sacred duty to protect or expand a religion or defend religious beliefs.

How is the church related to the trinity?

The church believes in the Trinity, which consists of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. This belief is central to Christian theology and shapes the Christian understanding of God's nature. The church's teachings and practices are influenced by the concept of the Trinity, which holds that these three persons are one God.

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What prayer expresses your belief in the trinity?

the holy trinaty

What is a major belief of Christianity?

Trinity is the main Christian belief that is God is one of three The father, the son, and the holy spirit and Jesus is accordingly son of God.The Trinity: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

Is trinity a common name?

In christian belief, the three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit that make up God. So the name is associated with the Holy Trinity and not a common name.

What Christian belief did the Council of Nicaea establish?

AnswerThe Council of Nicaea in 325, established the Christian belief in the Holy Trinity. Prior the this, there was much dispute as to the existence or nature of the Trinity, and whether God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were of one substance.

What is the belief of the Eastern Orthodox Church about Christ?

That He Is the Son Of God and Second Person Of the Holy Trinity.

What is the most holy night of the year?

It depends on your religious belief.

What is the religious definition of the trinity?

The Trinity is God, the Holy Spirit (God's presence in you) and Jesus Christ (God's son, sent to save humanity from hell).

Why do inidians go clockwise in a holy fire?

Answer According to their religious belief

What is the symbolism of a trinity knot tattoo?

it symbolizes one's belief in the trinity-father,son,holy spirit-three-in-one. OR...the maiden,mother, and crone, or pagan religions.

What does trinitarian mean?

The belief in the Trinity; The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

What is monothesium?

It is the belief in a higher power/God and the disbelief of the holy trinity. Mono meaning one, one God.

Who was holy trinity?

The holy trinity are (not was) God, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit.