

Best Answer

feb 13, 1776

The ancient Spartan agoge was funded with public funds and was mandatory for all male citizens.

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everyone who needs this answer I promise u I'm right.

The answer is 1840

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Q: When did the first public school open?
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What year did did the first public school open in Chinchilla?

The first public school opened in Chinchilla, Queensland, in 1883.

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a public school

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Where was the first public high school located?

The first public high school was founded in Boston in 1821.

Who attend first public school in Boston?

People who whanted to attend the first public school. LOL

Which US president was first to attend public school?

The United States president that was first to attend public school was George Washington. He was the first president and the first to attend a public school. He attended The College of William and Mary.

Where was first American public high school in 1800-1824?

The first public high school was in Dedham,Massachussetts.

When was New York's first public school built?

New York first public school was opened in 1839

Where is the oldest schoolhouse in America?

The Boston Public School System is the oldest pubic school system in America. It was founded in 1647. Boston is the home of the nation's first public school, the first elementary school and the first public high school.The first public school, Boston Latin School was founded in 1635. The Mather School opened in 1639 as the nation's first public elementary school.

What state was the first public school in?

The first public school was called the Boston Latin School and it was established in 1635 in Boston, Massachusetts. It is the oldest public school still in existence today and has a student body of 2,383.

What was the first school to open?

sunday school