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Once the baby's eyes and ears are open, at 3-4 weeks, the babies may start exploring immediately around the den. They do not go more than a very few feet, however. Once they are nearly weaned from the mother's milk they will accompany her on her foraging trips and start eating solid food,

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Q: When do baby raccoons start exploring their habitat?
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What do baby raccoons look like?

A baby raccoon is called a "kit".

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Yes, baby raccoons are still alive unless they have died.

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The baby raccoons are way smaller, but for the most part they look the same.

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Baby raccoons are called "kits."

How are baby raccoons raised?

For a comprehensive guide to raising orphaned raccoons, click on this link.

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What do baby raccoon's eat when they don't have there eyes open?

Baby mammals are fed milk by their mothers. Raccoons and other animals whose eyes do not open as soon as they are born still drink milk like other mammals. They smell and feel their way to their mother's teats for a good meal. After a few days, their eyes open and they start exploring their world. They still drink milk for a few weeks.

Can baby raccoons hear when born?

No, baby raccoons are born both blind and deaf. Their eyes open in the second week of life and their ears in the third week.

How do mother raccoons give their baby raccoons milk?

They nurse them just like any mammal would like a dog or cat. They lay down side-ways and nudge the babies closer until they latch on and start to drink.