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Q: When do nipples raise above areola?
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What do what are these strawberries doing on my nipples mean and can you show me a picture of the nipples?

These are Montgomery glands, also referred to as areolar glands. They are located in the areola area of the nipple. They vary in number and their function is to lubricate the nipple and the areola. The areola is the dark area around the nipple.

Why are your nipples shiny and have brown dots on them?

Your nipples are surrounded by the areola (the dark pigmented area). The areola contains sebaceous glands (the raised bumps/dots) which secrete a lubricating oil which is probably what's causing the shiny appearance.

Is a 2 inch nipples too big?

2 inch long nipples is awesome. 2 inch diameter areola is gross.

Can you get scabies on your nipples?

Yes. It is more common in women. It can be around the breast, areola, or nipple.

What are the white dots on the end of my nipples these are not on the auora section but on the end of my nipples?

I get those every month right before my period. They are normal and are caused by a shift in hormones. It is actually "areola."

What are the really dark bump looking things on your nipples?

In many women, there are small bulges on the areola, which are called Montgomery bodies.

Why do girls like their nipples?

The breasts and especially the areola and nipple of females can be very sensitive and give pleasure during arousal and coitus.

What is the brown around the nipple called?

It is called the areola.

Why is my areola not flat around the nipple?

Because that is just how yours look. All nipples and areolas look differently. They also change from being a teen to an adult. You are normal. The areola is also supposed to be a bit bumpy since the openings to when you breastfeed are there. The milk don't just come out of the nipple but also from openings in the areola.

What are areloas?

Well, Areola is the pigmented skin around the nipples, however, it can also refer to the swollen area surrounding a pimple. Hope this answers your question.

What is the function of the areola in the female reproductive system?

In humans both sexes have areolas. They are just more pronounced in females as are the nipples.

What percentage do the areola and nipples grow during pregnancy?

It varies by person and probably by pregnancy. There is no real way to tell how much they will grow or if they'll grow at all.