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After they are weined. About 2 months old.

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Q: When do you take the male gunnie pigs babys a way from ther mother?
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Related questions

Why do gunnie pigs have there babys at night?

they have there babys at night because they have more self control and its more quiet.

Do male guinea pigs eat there babys?

Male Guinea Pigs (Nor Females) do NOT eat the babies, however, the Males should be removed from the cage just before birth because the Mother can become pregnant again within hours of delivery, and this is dangerous to her.

How do you cut up tomatoes when giving them to Gunnie pigs?

When giving tomatoes to guinea pigs the way you cut it does not matter.

Can you put male guinea pigs with femails?

No they will h\ave babys unless you want 12 little piggys?

Do gunie pigs sneese?

Some people think the noise a piggy can make is a snort. Opinions vary.

Why do male guinea pigs eat their babys?

They don't. Some other small rodents may have a tendency to do this, but not guinea pigs. Baby guinea pigs are born already covered in fur (unlike most rodents), so it would be difficult for a parent to eat them anyway.

What kinds of animals do they take care of?

we should take care for animals like dogs cats rabits fish turtle and gunnie pigs thank u

How much should guinea pigs be handled as babys?

i Hear its good for them to be handled by humans so they can get that interaction and get used to their environment. The mother shouldn't mind and there should be no worries. !

Do male guinea pigs harm newborns?

Male guinea pigs CAN harm newborns, as they aren't fully aware of the situation. i wouldn't recommend keeping newborns with the father. They should be feeding with the mother. After 4-5 weeks the males have to be separated from the mother as they become sexually active at that age, and can impregnate the mother.

Do guinea pigs eat their young?

According to reliable sources, guinea pigs will not normally eat their young. Male fathers can be with their offspring if the mother allows it. This occurs frequently when a male has been neutered after breeding and is being physically separated from mature females (older than 21 days).Yes they do, it's very uncommon, but I've seen it recently where a female has started eating her babies. I think by looking at a lot of research it's usually when the babies are unhealthy.Some Guiena Pigs do when there babys are sick the take them out of pain.

How old should guinea pigs be before having babys?

NO NO Guinea pigs should not be bred so dont do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

How long before guinea pigs have their babys?

Around 3 months