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Q: When does one diploid cell split into four haploid cells?
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What process produces haploid cells from a diploid cell?

Meiosis produces haploid cells from a diploid cell

Is a stomach cell a haploid or a diploid cell?

All of the cells in a human body, including the stomach are diploid. There is one cell that is not diploid and that is the sex cell. It is haploid.

Is meiosis haploid or diploid?

The parent cell is diploid. The daughter cells are haploid.

Which cell leads directly to haploid cells?

the diploid cells is directly leads to the haploid cell

What type of cell division can occur in both haploid and diploid cells?

Mitotic Cell Division occurs in both haploid and diploid cells

What is a haploid cell in comparison to a diploid cell?

in humans, the haploid cells contain 23 chromosomes whereas the diploid cells contain 46

What is the difference between haploid diploid and zygote?

There are two types of cells in the body - haploid cells and diploid cells. The difference between haploid and diploid cells is related to the number of chromosomes that the cell contains.

Is a liver cell a haploid or a diploid cell?

diploid foolall are diploid except sperms and eggs

Are cells diploid or haploid at the end of cell division?

They are haploid. As meosis produces sex cells (sperm and eggs) they must have half the genetic material, so when fertilisation occurs the gamete formed has one full set of chromosomes, it is diploid.

What is the difference between a haploid cell and a diploid cell?

Haploid cells have one chromosome, while diploid cells have several sets of chromosomes.Diploid cells are different from haploid cells. Diploid is having two sets of homologous chromosomes. Haploid is having one set of daughter cells. (4 daughter cells)

Are people diploid?

no humans are haploid because when two haploid cells combine a diploid cell is made.

How do you maintain diploid?

You will always be diploid. All human somatic cells are diploid while sex cells are haploid(or half of a diploid cell). Haploid cells vary based on which chromatids are in the cell. A chromatid is half of a chromosome.