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Q: When does the unborn hair start growing?
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Why isn't my hair growing?

yourd hair might not be growing maybe because you have a family trait that theres a limit to youre hair growth. Or it just takes a long time to start growing also known as slow growth hair. It as well could be a symptom that you will start losing hair.

When do you know when your hair will stop growing?

You know when your hair stops growing as soon as your hair starts falling out..... this is because your hair follicles start getting old or you have a disease!

How do you grow long hair for a girl?

Another way of growing long hair is not to cut it at all. Or you can BRAID your hair then you will have alot of GROTH then it will start growing

Is there anything you can do to help your facial hair start growing?


When do you start growing chin hair?

16 years old

How to start dreads?

You can start dreads by first growing long hair, and then waxing it into small portions.

What happens when you turn 12 while in puberty?

You start growing hair and feels start to change.

When does leg hair start growing?

Depends ... Boys = Age 14 Girls = Age 12-13 Second Answer: You have leg hair from when you are a child. The hair on your arms and legs is what protects you from the sun. It doesnt just randomly start growing. My cousin has hair on her leg and she is 10. is that bad

Is there anything you can do to help your facial hair start growing other then shaving?

Sadly NO!

Does hair ever stop growing?

Hair sheds. When loose hairs fall from your head its because it's shedding.

What age does a male teenager start growing facial hair?

At the age of 13 to 15

How many oranges do you need to eat in a day for your hair to start growing?

approximately, 97.