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Energy is released.

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Q: When gaseous water condenses back into liquid water to make clouds is heat energy required by the process or is it released?
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Related questions

What is meant by the word condenses?

In the context of science or physics, condenses refers to the process of a substance changing from a gaseous state to a liquid state by releasing heat. This typically occurs when the temperature of the gas cools down to its dew point.

What gaseous by product is released from the leaves?

water vapour is released through process called transpiration

What happens when water vapor condenses to form liquid water?

When water vapor condenses, it changes from a gaseous state to a liquid state. This process releases energy in the form of heat. The water molecules come together and form liquid droplets, which can be seen as clouds in the atmosphere or as dew on surfaces.

What is the difference between ventilation and gaseous exchange?

Gaseous exchange is a natural process, ventilation is a forced process.

What is water vapor and returns to a liquid state?

Water vapor is the gaseous form of water. When it cools down or loses energy, it condenses and returns to a liquid state, forming water droplets. This process is crucial for the water cycle on Earth.

Energy released when a salt is formed from a gasious ions?

The energy released when a salt is formed from gaseous ions is known as the lattice energy. It is the energy required to separate the ions of an ionic compound into a gas phase. This process is exothermic and results in a stable ionic bond formation between the ions.

Does precipitation increase energy or decrease energy?

Precipitation typically releases energy as it condenses from water vapor to form clouds and eventually falls as rain or snow. This energy is initially absorbed from the surroundings during the evaporation process and is released when the water vapor condenses.

Which process changes water into a gaseous state?

The process that changes water into a gaseous state is called evaporation, where water is heated and transforms into vapor or steam.

How many calories of heat is released when one gram of water vapor condenses into liquid water?

When one gram of water vapor condenses into liquid water, it releases about 2260 joules (540 calories) of heat energy. This process is called the latent heat of vaporization.

Is energy released when snow forms?

Yes, energy is released when snow forms. This process is known as the release of latent heat, where the water vapor in the air condenses into ice crystals to form snow, releasing heat energy in the process.

How do plants carry out gaseous exchange?

by the process of photosynthesis

The energy required to convert a ground-state atom in the gas phase to a gaseous positive ion?

The energy required to convert a ground-state atom in the gas phase to a gaseous positive ion is known as the ionization energy. This process involves removing an electron from the atom. The ionization energy is a measure of how tightly the electron is held by the nucleus of the atom.