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It starts with Interphase(dna replication occurs here, chromatin uncoil G1, s,G2 occur here) Prophase(Shortening and thickening of chromosomes, they become distinct, nuclear membrane and nucleolus begin to disintergrate), Metaphase(arrangement of chromosomes in the equator of the cell perpendicular to the axis of spindle apparatus), Anaphase (individual chromosomes split by kinetochore on centromere towards poles) and telophase (pinching of cell inwards after reformation of nuclear membrane and nucleolus around split chromatids) followed by cytokinesis(cleavage of cell into two daughter cells forming cleavage furrow).

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Q: When given mitosis diagrams what is the the correct sequence of the diagrams and what events dose each diagram represent?
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Someone looking for a sequence diagram online can find them at various websites. Microsoft is a website which has sequence diagrams. There are many other websites dedicated to sequence diagrams.

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