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Q: When in the year did the plays take place Greek theatre?
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Why did Greek plays take place?

In a Cathedral.

How often did performances in Greek theatre take place?

During and part of the periodic religious festivals.

When does dionysus festival take place?

In 534 BC the first festival of Dionysus was instituted in Ancient Greek Theatre

Could women attend in greek theatre or attend the play backs?

It was Men's club and women's may not take part in plays.

Where did Plays take place?

Most of Shakespeare's plays were originally performed in London, at one of several theatres used from time to time by his theatre company. These included the Globe, the Curtain, the Theatre and the Blackfriars. Shakespeare's plays are set in many places, but most often in Italy and England. All except Antony and Cleopatra take place in Europe and Asia Minor; Antony and Cleopatra takes place mostly in Egypt and Mars cause I hate

What events take place at Theatre Royal in York UK?

The York Theatre Royal is primarily a venue for theatrical plays and drama. It also has function rooms for rent, art exhibition spaces and a studio space.

Could women take part in or attend the plays at ancient theatre?

They could attend the plays, but they couldn't perform in them

What year did greek mythology take place?

Since the Ancient Greek times.

Which time period does Theatre of the Absurd take place?

Theater of the Absurd take place in the year 1950-1960.

Could woman take part or attend Greek plays?

no only greek men

Where did Abraham Lincoln's assassination take place?

Ford's Theatre,Washington,D.C.

What is the name of a room where operations take place?

i bleive its an operating theatre