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Q: When inputting data into a zone fire model how is the fire typically described?
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What is inputting data?

Data that you put in

What is the difference between data model and database model?

A database is a collection of tables that is used for some purpose (typically an application of some sort). A database model is a description of that database, and describes how the tables relate to each other. Typically, a model is designed first, then the actual database is implemented using the model as a blueprint.

What Unix control sequence will tell the application that you have finished inputting data?


What is input device keys used to enter data?

A computer's keyboard.

What is the data called when it is to be encrypted by inputting into an algorithm called?

Before encryption, the data is referred to as "plain text". After encryption it is called "cipher text".

What layer of the OSI model defines how data is formatted for transmission and typically includes error detection and correction to ensure reliable delivery of the data?

Data Link

How do you spell input?

That is the correct spelling of the verb form "inputting" (loading computer data).

What are the responsibilities of data control clerks?

A data control clerk is responsible for gathering and inputting data into the computer. Other responsibilities include editing any data if necessary, maintain database records and make a statistical report.

What is data system?

A database system is a term that is typically used to encapsulate the constructs of a data model, database Management system (DBMS) and database .. (natsume)

What is a first data job is suppose to do?

There are many different types of data jobs but they all require inputting data. This can include case numbers, medical history, client information, company information, etc.

What personality traits should a data administrator have?

A database administrator must be okay with working alone. They have to focus on inputting data; therefore, they can't interact with others regularly at work.

Can you show me an example data entries?

Data entry is inputting almost any type of info. into a computer with a keyboard-such as billing clients, creating mailing lists, etc etc