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Q: When is a manipulated variable used in la line graph?
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When do you use a line graph and when do you use a line graph?

Bar graphs are used when graphing a qualitative independent variable, but a line graph is used when the independent variable is quantitative. Also when you are comparing quantity of objects(bar graph)

When do you use a line graph and when do you use a bar graph?

Bar graphs are used when graphing a qualitative independent variable, but a line graph is used when the independent variable is quantitative. Also when you are comparing quantity of objects(bar graph)

What type of data can line graphs display?

Line graphs are used to display data to show how one variable (the Responding variable) changes in response to another variable (the Manipulated variable).

Say someone used a line graph to show info about the number of CDs she owned by different arists.Is a line graph a good choiceto show data.... Why or why not?

A line graph is not a good way to represent the data as the number of CDs is a continuous variable, but the artists are a discrete, categoric variable. A line graph should be used when both variables are continuous. A bar chart or bar graph should be used when one variable is continuous and one is discrete.

Is a line graph best used when one variable causes another variable to change in value?


What do mv and RV stand for?

Manipulated Variable And Responding Variable Used Alot In Science

What is is a responding variable?

It means the factor that changes as a result of changes to the manipulated, or independent, variable in an experiment; also called dependent variable.

Is a line graph used to show continuous data?

It can be, but not necessarily. If I had the heights (continuous variable) of a class of students I might use a histogram. Conversely, if I had the number of cars (discrete variable) driving by every minute, I would use a line graph. It all depends on which kind of graph conveys the information to your audience in the best way.

Why line graph is used for temperature in a climate graph?

the line graph is the temperature!

How are controlled experiments used?

A controlled experiment is useful to examine the relationship between a manipulated variable and a responding variable.

What is a line graph?

A continuous graph that shows change over time.

What is the manipulated variable used in an investigation to test this hypothesis?

Amber has written the following hypothesis: "If a rock is put under a great deal of pressure, then the minerals in the rock will chemically change." What is the manipulated variable used in an investigation to test this hypothesis?