

When is a material useful?

Updated: 6/3/2024
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9y ago

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Any material is useful when someone uses it to make something.

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1mo ago

A material is useful when it possesses the desired properties for a specific application or task, such as being strong, lightweight, flexible, or insulating. Additionally, the material should be readily available, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly to be considered useful.

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Q: When is a material useful?
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Why is coal useful material?

Coal is a useful material because it is a major source of energy for generating electricity and heat production. It is also used in the production of steel and cement. Additionally, coal can be converted into liquid fuels and other chemicals for various industrial processes.

What useful material may be obtained from bauxite what useful material may be obtained from hematite what are bauxite and hematite called since they produce useful material?

Bauxite is a source of aluminum, which is obtained by refining the bauxite ore. Hematite is a source of iron, which is obtained by smelting the hematite ore. Bauxite and hematite are known as ores, as they are naturally occurring materials that can be processed to extract valuable metals.

When is it useful not useful to heat materials?

It is useful to heat materials when attempting to change their physical properties, such as melting or shaping. However, it may not be useful to heat materials that are sensitive to heat and may degrade or become damaged, or when temperature control is crucial for the material's stability.

What is always a property of an ore?

A property of an ore is that it contains a valuable or useful material that can be mined and extracted profitably.

How can finding the density of a material be useful in identifying the material?

Finding the density of a material can be useful in identifying the material because different materials have unique densities. By comparing the measured density of an unknown material to the known densities of known materials, you can potentially narrow down its identity. This information can be particularly helpful when trying to distinguish between materials that may look similar.

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Density is useful for identifying an unknown material because it is a physical constant. A physical constant is a unique characteristic of the material in question. This constant never change or vary with the shape or amount of the material/substance.

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We process materials to make them better and more useful. We are therefore we are modifying the natural material to advance it.

What do you get from rocks?

Valuable minerals, useful material, and eventually consumer products.

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Why would a material of low density be useful?

For making something that floats.