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she didnt genraw couldn't do it, it was beond his power

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Q: When is android 18 turned into a human?
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What is full form of android?

the android is a robot with human appearance.

Why do we choose silicon valley android app developers?

silicon valley is working wih Custom Android Application Development and Android Gaming Application Development. Android Multimedia Application Development and Android Enterprise Application Development. Android Application Maintenance and Upgrade and also Android Application Testing services available here.

When was Android made?

Google purchased the initial developer of the software, Android Inc., on August 17, 2005. The unveiling of the Android distribution on November 5, 2007 was announced with the founding of the Open_Handset_Alliance, a consortium of 84 Free_software_license. The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is tasked with the maintenance and further development of Android.

How do you program visual basic on an android device?

Most developers don't use visual basic for android devices because android does not support the .net framework and therefore cannot run visual basic applications. Developers usually use Java instead to program applications for android.

What is different between Android and java?

Android is an Operating System that runs on specific devices and controls those devices' functions. Java is a general programming language that can run on many different devices (computers, phones, tablets, and so on), one of which is Android. Thus, the comparison of the two are that they are completely different, with the only relation between the two is that Android runs Java programs.

Related questions

How did android 18 have a child?

she was once human but dr gero did experiments on her

Why did krillin marry android 18?

because he can't get a real human girl.

Does android 16 come back to life after cell kills him?

Nope, since he's an android, he has no soul to be restored to life.^ actually that's wrong, because both Android 17 and 18 come back to life. From this, 16 does come back, you just don't see him. Technically, he'd be wished back as well.^No actually you are wrong, first off android 18 never died...she was spat back out during the cell games... second 16 was NOT revived because he was not human at all unlike 17 and 18 who were human before being added withmachinery. Just like Shenron is beyond his will to mess with machinery which is why Android 17 and 18 could not be turned fully human again. The wish krillin was granted was to take the bombs out of 17 and 18 that is it.

How did krillin have a human daughter?

they have a human daughter because krillen is human and 18 is and android that then gets wished to a human

Is android 18 a human?

Android 18 IS half human and half robot! So therefore she's partly human. There was an episode of dbz when Krillin asked Shenron to make her 100% human but it was something that he couldn't do so instead Krillin wished for 18's bomb devices that were inside of her to be removed. Anyone who's a big dbz fan would know that.

Who does krillin marry?

Android 18 because he can't marry a real human girl because his is short

How does android 18 have a baby?

She married Krillin and since a part of her is human and she likes him and he likes her well you know

What is Android 18's daghauter?

Android 18 and Krillins daughter's name is Marron

What is full form of android?

the android is a robot with human appearance.

How did android 17 and 18 became androids?

Android 17 and Android 18 don't exist yet. We are only at 3.1 Ice Cream Sandwich

Is krillin mairried?

Yes, Krillin from Dragon Ball and DBZ is married. He wishes with the dragon balls that Android 18 was a human and then he married her.

Is krillen a android on Dragon Ball Z?

no. krillen isn't a android. but he did marry android 18